Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Iowa welcome from Wisconson


Iowa's farms look like this, I'm sure it is for rotating crops, but not sure......But it makes for a pretty site to see. Big barns everywhere, lots of red ones but some just brown some to match rest of buildings but lots and lots of big barns
This is the Mississippi from the Iowa side of the river
Bridge between Iowa and Wisconson
Same bridge just a different scene.


The Great Mississippi, it was pretty but smaller than the Columbia River......

Bridge going between Wisconson and Iowa

We went into Wisconson so we could take some pictures of the Mississippi River.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Farmers Market in Minnesota

We went to Lanesbora, MN to a farmers market and bought lots of fresh veggies, cheap,
I purchased this from an Amish vendor.

The Amish men and boys were down fishing and they unhooked their horse from the buggy and let them rest. The horses were tied to the trees back there. They use one horse per buggy.


Mable, Minnesota
Manuel and I wanted to see the Steam Engine Museum so we took a ride over and to our disappointment it was closed. We went to the grocery store and asked what days and hours that it was open and the lady there sent me to the barber shop down the street, as she was in charge of the Steam Engine days in September and would know. So I went in and asked her and she said they were closed as they didn't have anyone to man the museum....did you want to see it? We said yes we really did so she handed us the keys and said go ahead. So Manuel and I had a private viewing and it was great......... only in Small town America........ This one went to the Marti Gras, in New Orleans, LA
Boy if we lived here Manuel said he would man the muesum.......... and help work on them......

This was a washing machine..... wood even....Looks like a lot of work the good old days???NOT
And this was a jewl, she was a tractor during the week and a pickup on weekends to go town in...COOL OR WHAT?????

Mitchell, SD

This is the corn Palace, they change the design of the corn each year. The design on the outside is made of corn.

Mitchell, SD

was having their Corn Festival

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Bridal falls This one we walked down to and it was so full and flowers all around
Huge Rock cliffs in all colors

SPEARFISH CANYON was very pretty, full of waterfalls

More Museum

Elvis Presleys stage dress.
Evil Knivel's motorcycle

Museum in Deadwood

John Waynes motorcycle found in an old garage in California The Jeep used in Mash
Smoky & the Bandit
Herbie, the LOVE BUG


Sheriff of Deadwood on the hourse and the sheriff and his men setting in front of the hotel.

Deadwood is an western town just Northwest of Rapid City, we went one day and went into every saloon, gift shop and most of them was a casino also. Well you know me I have books of state quarters, so I played the quarter machines because they spit out real quarters.......... I went home with $69 in quarters. Started with 21 so that was pretty good for playing for 5 hours. Well that was off and on as we went through gift shops and had lunch etc.


It was a cool day to start with and we had sweaters on but it raised to 91 before the day was over.


The Badlands was trully awesome, when I was a kid I couldn't figure out why mom and dad spent so much time looking at those rocks............................ Then when Manuel and our two boys when there he made us get up so early that we saw the sun come up in the Badlands. this time it was in the middle of the day and we took all day. We took more turnoffs and went to Sheep Mountain and that was really very beautiful.

South Dakota

We loved South Dakota, was in Rapid City for seven days and loved it.