Monday, August 25, 2008


Mable, Minnesota
Manuel and I wanted to see the Steam Engine Museum so we took a ride over and to our disappointment it was closed. We went to the grocery store and asked what days and hours that it was open and the lady there sent me to the barber shop down the street, as she was in charge of the Steam Engine days in September and would know. So I went in and asked her and she said they were closed as they didn't have anyone to man the museum....did you want to see it? We said yes we really did so she handed us the keys and said go ahead. So Manuel and I had a private viewing and it was great......... only in Small town America........ This one went to the Marti Gras, in New Orleans, LA
Boy if we lived here Manuel said he would man the muesum.......... and help work on them......

This was a washing machine..... wood even....Looks like a lot of work the good old days???NOT
And this was a jewl, she was a tractor during the week and a pickup on weekends to go town in...COOL OR WHAT?????

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