Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here we are at the City of Rocks National Park in New Mexico. This was caused by volcano millions of years ago. The volcano through these huge rocks out and made a city. You can walk through the rocks and they have camp sites in and out of the rocks. A day of fun hiking in and out of the rocks and Manuel climbing on them.... not me as I'm afraid of heights.

Our Roadrunner here is at a New Mexico rest stop, made of metal, thought it was very appropiate as we saw so many of the birds in the area. They are quit beautiful birds. And the jackrabbits are huge......

This is the beautiful sunset Deming, New Mexico. We camped at Hidden Valley RV. Which was out of town 5 miles then up a dirt road for 8 more. As we drove into this park we said to each other WHAT ARE WE DOING AND WHERE ARE WE GOING?
Was a very good camp and we met some nice people. They had a sewing day the day we got there so I joined them and made a rug that I had ready to crochet. So we met the group early and signed up for a potluck on Friday night.
We spent several days roaming the desert and finding beautiful rock. As we were on foot we couldn't bring to many back with us. So I want to go again.

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