Tuesday, August 25, 2009

General Jackson Showboat Ride, Nashville, TN

This beautiful flowers and the butterfly was planted in beds at the entrance of the Showboat area. The area was beautiful and well manintained.
August 25, tomorrow we will celebrate our 42nd Anniversary..... getting old...........

We stood out on the deck for about 30 minutes before they called us into the dinning room for the luncheon.... fantastic food & service. Then we were able to return to the deck for an hour or so then the entertainment started and we were called back into the Victorian Theater to watch the The fiddle man Tim Watson and his band preformed, they did a great show and we had front row seats. AWESOME....... the total tour was close to 3 hours, was suppose to be 2-2 1/2.

General Jackson paddle wheeler, a really fun cruise.

General Jackson Showboat paddles gracefully down the river, she has four decks to explore.

Downtown Nashville under the bridge

The Cumberland River we cruised down from Opryland to downtown Nashville and back.
Not sure what this is but guess it was just Nashville, art.... it drew all of our attention though.

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