Saturday, October 3, 2009


Our Camp is in Kingsland, Okefenokee Adventures are in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. A distance of about 20 miles, as you can see we are right on the  GA, Fl border..and so close to the Atlantic Ocean. 

The Refuge has a boardwalk to walk out into the swamp these two alligators were right by the  boardwalk.  AND you can see who was on the boardwalk..... yes we used our zoom.......

We took this boat cruise out into the swamp and loved it.  Enjoyed so much we went back on the Sunset cruise that same evening. 
This Alligator is not a real large one, he likes the marina slips to sunbath. 

Can you tell where the water line is?  What is above ground and what is reflection??????
Notice the little brown spot in the lower right cornor by the alligator, that was our boardwalk and we were standing right there, no zooming this time.  We stood there for about five minutes and he finally hissed at us really loud, don't know why we were afraid.... thought it was awesome.....
When we took the one below of the tree it was completely dark.  My flash worked as we were so close.  These were all daytime in the swamp..... then below is the sunset cruise.... We left the dock at 6 pm and it gets dark here a little after 7 and we returned to the dock a little after 8.  Fun
We probably took 50 pictures of the sunset, many colors orange, reds, blacks, lavendars, violets, purples.  Notice the reflection of the sky in the swamp.Looked like the water was on fire.

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