Sunday, September 27, 2009


Charleston is a beautiful town with huge old houses that are beautiful today. So much to see and do and the Atlantic Ocean is gorgeous here. But we gave up way to early, it was so hot and the humidity was 100%.... so in the South that is bad, we had another day of wet clothes...... glad we bought the washer and dryer and have a good shower. Ha Ha......

Ft. Moultrie was built on Sullivan's Island in 1776 to protect the Charleston Harbor from British Naval incursions into Charleston Harbor. The first fort burned and in 1798 the second Ft. Moultrie was built. Originally there was 40 guns, and 500 men.
In 1860 just six days after South Carolina left the Union, (SC was the first state) the Federal garrison abandoned the fort and moved to Ft. Sumter.. Ft. Moultrie remained in Confederate hands till February 1865.
On August 15, 1947 the army lowered Fort Moultrie's flag for the last time, ending 171 years of service.

This was the Confederate flag that flew at Ft. Moultrie. The tree on the flag is the Palmetto, which is now South Carolina's state tree.
Ft. Sumter was were the Civil War began...

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