Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Here we are at the Atlantic Ocean, we drove down to Virginia Beach today, the water was warm. It was about 87 degrees today and the water I'm guessing was in the 70's.. Felt pretty good, I had to get out in it but Manuel was satisfied to take pictures....
The jetty looks like Westport except it has a nice cement walk way on top and NO FISHING OFF THE JETTY..... BOO........

Looking down the beach, not to many people on beach today it was the middle of the week and middle of the day. The traffic back here is as bad as Seattles..... again Boo......
The boats were pulling the parachute with people, Manuel thought it looked like fun but not me, you know I don't like those heights..... We had a fun day and enjoyed the ocean.... And the beach.
The sand was light color and very fine in texture... different than our Washington sandy beaches.....

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