Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fort Sumter, Charleston, SC

Just a picture of us on the Cruise, Charleston, SC harbor in the background.
This Bridge was going from downtown Charleston, SC to Mt. Pleasant and Sullivan's Island where Ft. Moultrie is located.

This is one of the cannon windows looking out on the Atlantic Ocean.

This old Cannon was huge.
Ft. Sumter is a man made island and the only way to the Island to tour the fort is by private boat or SpiritLine Cruises.

cotton in the Museum and Ole Glory behind..

cotton in a bale, hook and lift, in the Museum.

The SpiritLine Cruise Ship that takes passengers to the Island for Fort Sumter Tours. Very Nice and fun to ride and cooled us off on the way home. We were there for the first tour of the day at 9:30 and it was 98 before we returned to Charleston, SC. The humidity was in the high 90's also...... HOT

Manuel and one of the cannons.... huge

The flags that fly at Ft. Sumter.

Ft. Sumter and the huge cannons, across the water you will see sister Fort Moultrie.

THE STARS AND STRIPES Fort Sumter's Battle Flag, 10x20 foot tattered storm flag flew over Fort Sumter during the bombardment of 1861. On the second day the flagstaff was shattered by Confederate fire. The federal garrison rushed onto the flag ground amid exploding shells and burning timbers, to retrieve the fallen flag. They carried it to the ramparts where it was nailed to a wooden pole and re-raised.

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