Tuesday, September 29, 2009

National Park Celebration Night

The National Parks all across the USA had a Celebration this last weekend.  To Celebrate the new 6 week special on your local PBS channel on Sunday nights.  A Film by Ken Burns. Manuel and I went back to Congree National Park. they took us through the years of the Park.
The Indians were there first and they showed the cleansing of the ground.

This was a beatiful collection of butterflies that was found in the Park (swamp) they now have a training center at the park, for young and old.  The scene on the right was how hard the people in the area fought to get the Congree to be protected land.  Congaree became a National Park in 2003.

Hunters and fishermen use the rivers in the swamp to provide for their famlies through the ages..

Slaves used the Swamp to get away from the South and slavery.

Well you can tell the swamp would be a good place to have a still, hide it from the revenuers.

Loggers used the swamp to make a living.  

The swamp was used during the wars to hide their men from the enemy.

We had a tour guide that took us through the many stages of the Park through the years.....
It was dark before we finished.  Was really a fun night......

The rivers in the swamp were a popular place for the churches to baptism their followers.

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